The prevalence of online gambling has increased significantly over the past two decades. In the 1990s, online gambling was regarded as an end-run around government regulation, as operators could set up shop in an offshore jurisdiction. Anyone with a computer and a credit card could find an online gambling site and place a wager. In response, the Department of Justice and Congress began to explore possible regulations. In 2011, more than 16 percent of UK adults had participated in online gambling in the previous four weeks.
One of the first things to do when engaging in online gambling is to monitor your spending habits. It is easy to deposit all of your money onto a single website, so you may not be fully aware of how much you’ve spent. If you lose more than you won, you may end up in debt while playing. To avoid falling into debt, set a spending limit, and only play with that amount. If you exceed this limit, stop immediately and seek professional help from a gambling counselor.
Internet gambling allows for high wagers, continuous gambling, and rapid feedback. Because of these benefits, Internet gambling is regarded as an addiction that can be difficult to control. But the benefits of online gambling outweigh the risks. One study, by Adami N, Boschetti A, Canini L, Maione F, and Temporin M, found that Internet gambling is linked with excessive gambling among teenagers. And it may be harder to recognize the signs of an online gambling addiction, especially since it’s easier to hide behind a screen.